Ode to a father (Photo)
70 years completed. 70 million things to enumerate. 70 second attention span of readers today. Father's Day 2014. I know of no other person who can grow beautiful crysanthemums in a tiny Delhi flat garden terrace, no automatic sprinklers, Delhi weather not helping either. His secret weapon the food - yeast - that he provided to the flowers. I know of no other person who is more passionate about manufacturing yeast in India, utilizing his phenomenal Agro scientific knowledge acquired over the last 40 years. I know of no other person who is going strong even at age 70, toiling in his lab, inspiring young chemists and engineers to yield an yeast tolerant for Indian conditions. I know of no other person who can care for his profession, children, grand children, his country India, equally, and selflessly. A daughter can only remember fondly. A daughter whose hair he would curl for her first birthday. A daughter whose talking doll he bought when she was four. A daughter whose mother would be reprimanded when the daughter committed a mistake. A daughter whose father brought her suitcases brimming with apparel, YSL shoes, tulip diamond earrings from Netherlands, Meiji chocolates from his work related international trips. Not a thing for himself! 20 years later its still a continuum! - Mikimoto pearls, Amber jewels or hand carved wooden bowls from Africa. A daughter whose chemistry exam problems she could discuss with her father. She imbibed the passion for learning and applying knowledge for use from him. This daughter still remembers her father's elation when she earned her first scholarship. Although it was a miniscule feat, and 20 years later the daughter earned laurels, but is still nostalgic about that first moment. No other person can feel more proud about her achievements, than him. A daughter, tries quite hard to live by the teachings of her great father, even though she knows she can never come close to a perfectionist father. She consoles herself. The least she can do is recognize him, this father's day, feel inspired in times of duress, and carry on every single day.